To avoid a scenario where your amazing idea, that you have poured your money, time, and life into, is stolen or copied, we have invested extensively into legal protection of our traits and varieties.
- Patents are designed to protect great ideas for the inventor.
- We use global patent laws to protect the traits that we discover at the DNA level.
- These traits are used to assemble every tailored variety.
- Patent infringement can be easily detected using our in-house DNA-based technology.
- These patents protect the use, breeding with, and even end products produced with our clients’ exclusive varieties.
If you have a unique vision for your brand or have been able to design an exclusive variety for your brand, we ensure proper protection to guard you against unlicensed production.
- We protect the cannabis plant to promote innovation in the industry.
- We facilitate the invention of new varieties by you and our patents protect your amazing ideas.
- We DNA fingerprint every plant we tailor for our clients and submit them with global plant protection authorities.
- Therefore, if our clients feel their plant was stolen, we can prove it at the DNA level, and seek damages.
- Puregene has implemented the most advanced trait- and variety-based patent protections that will completely secure your competitive advantage, and remove any intellectual property worries you may encounter.